Love is a strong word, but it's still a word like any other.
It's hard to explain Love through words.
You should show Love through what you do and not what you say.
Anyone can say ''I Love You'', but not show it through actions.
You should be careful, not say ''I Love You'' to people if you cant show it.
Dear boys. Being a dick isn't going to make yours bigger.
Open books, not legs. Blow minds, not guys.

Tro inte cigg ger dig vänner, för när dom tar slut så har du inga kvar.

If you love someone, be brave enough to tell them, otherwise, be brave enough to watch them be loved by someone else


Love is when you look into someone's eyes and see everything you need

"I’m sorry for the games I’ve played but now it’s too late"
I'm starting to realize that when someone says "I don't care anymore" they care more than ever.

A break up is like a broken mirror. It's better to leave it broken than to hurt yourself by trying to fix it.
Håll mig hårt eller släpp mig helt

Endless love is blessed love

Silence is a girls loudest cry

En killes största lögn " du och jag föralltid älskling".
Kärleken är ett verb, det handlar om vad du gör, inte det du säger

A real man is someone who takes care of a girl's heart he didn't break.

Vi tänker sällan på det vi har, men alltid på vad vi saknar.

Höj aldrig dig själv genom att sänka någon annan.

Apologizing does not always mean that you're wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.